Tuesday, 24 June 2008

How Much Does Lip Augmentation Cost

Lip augmentation prices can vary enormously from about so it would be unfair to include any specific prices here. We really advise you to contact surgeons in your local area to get the low-down. What price you pay will depend on the method of low cost lip enhancement you choose. Also, where you live will have a big factor in the price you pay. Larger cities such as New York and London will see much higher prices than if you go to smaller cities or if you go somewhere like Mexico or India. Individual surgeons will also charge varying amounts of money depending on how much experience they have and how good they are. Some surgeons have also developed a good reputation and are highly sought after by A-list celebrities. Lip implants will obviously cost a lot more that just having injections however with injections you need to know that they aren't permanent.

When considering the prices of lip augmentation you need to understand that there are five basic costs involved when it comes to surgeons and hospitals. Obviously there is the fee for the surgeon which you will be quoted upfront. Then there is the cost of the anaesthesiologist who is used to put you under anaesthesia in order for you to have your best price lip augmentation surgery. Then there is the possibility of being charged for cursing care. There are also medications that might be needed and this will need to be paid for.

For lip augmentation surgery you can expect to pay about $1,500 or more. As stated previously, some areas will be able to commad higher prices due to there being more people with higher incomes who can afford to pay the higher prices. The cost of the lab fees can be about $50 and then $120 for medication. The actual implants will cost anywhere between $600 and $2000 per implant. However if you are having inexpensive injections then you should be paying about $200 to $2,000 per cc. SO the complete bill you might end up being faced with is about $5000. With lip injections you have to get repeat injections so this has to also be factored into the overall cost.

This is certainly not a treatment you should get into lightly and the costs can really spiral so make sure that you really know about what costs are involved and whether or not you can truly afford it. Remember, there are so many important things in life that need to be paid for such as mortgages and food. Don't get yourself into a terrible financial situation because you overstretched yourself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to improve appearance of my lip,because my bottom lip is really plump, i got advice from my friend to do lip augmentation surgery , so how much does it cost?
Lip augmentation